WS Banner Decoder

Enter the day, month and year and discover the corresponding Tzolkin day name. 


Saturday 8th February 2025
Tone 1 Magnetic
Seal 9 Moon
Tone 2 Lunar
Seal 10 Dog
Tone 13 Cosmic
Seal 1 Dragon
Tone 12 Crystal
Seal 20 Sun
Tone 3 Electric
Seal 11 Monkey
Tone 11 Spectral
Seal 19 Storm
Tone 4 Self-Existing
Seal 12 Human
Tone 10 Planetary
Seal 18 Mirror
Tone 5 Overtone
Seal 13 Skywalker
Tone 6 Rhythmic
Seal 14 Wizard
Tone 7 Resonant
Seal 15 Eagle
Tone 8 Galactic
Seal 16 Warrior
Tone 9 Solar
Seal 17 Earth


(the surrounding 13-day cycle)

Based on Jose Arguelles’ original Dreamspell teachings.