WS Banner Podcasts

Introduction to Natural Time

25 minute presentation for beginners

Lisa discusses the key Mayan alternatives to our Gregorian calendar: the 365-year broken into 13 months of 28 days each, and a 260-day cycle that imitates our time in utero. These are respectively called the 13 Moon and Tzolkin calendars, and following Mayan astrology is to understand the passages arising in each, and how they converge with each other.

Natural Time

Mayan Astrology for a Modern Age

30 minute episodes every Sunday & Wednesday 

An easy approach to following the Mayan sacred calendars by tuning into their arising energies. Learn the current ‘wavespell’ passages of the 260-day Tzolkin calendar, and the characteristics of the 28-day month within the 13 Moon year. Lisa’s style is conversational, insightful, fun.

The Tzolkin Interviews

Long-form talk show with guests

Lisa interviews creative artists on their Mayan birthdays, the Tzolkin day sign they were born under. In the format of on-air astrology reading, Lisa seeks connections between a guest’s life experience, creative expression, spiritual practice and personal preferences and their Tzolkin identification. An entertaining way to better understand the ‘tribes’ and ‘tones’ of Natural Time, in the tradition of oral teaching.

Special Episodes

Seminal passages of the sacred calendars

Breaking news in Natural Time, calling our attention to major transits or milestones.

  • Lisa’s podcast is a treat; she eloquently and humbly shares her wisdom and insights through a short, sweet summary of the daily signature. I learn something each time I listen about this vast web of Natural Time. I admire her ability to accept the dark with the light with candor and humor. Her voice is one of peace, hope and truth, and my days are enriched by her gifts.

    White Solar Worldbridger
    White Solar Worldbridger
  • Lisa's poetic podcast offerings bring my personal energies into alignment with a grander scale of existence. I feel interwoven with the tuning fork of Natural Time transmitted through her crystal clear channel. It is an honor to be on this path - supported, held, and encouraged by the ancient Maya from beyond and Lisa's grand yet accessibly honest soul as an incredible herald of their traditions.

    Yellow Planetary Seed
    Yellow Planetary Seed
  • I plug in every episode. I am Red Galactic Skywalker, and your insight has assisted me to get a glimpse of who I am and who I am becoming. Although I am 63 years old, I believe it is never too late to discover your true identity. I am a student, ready to learn more!

    Red Galactic Skywalker
    Red Galactic Skywalker